Park House, Rochester, Vermont

Park House Rates

Rooms are selected on a first-come – first-served basis.

In the event that you wish to reserve a particular room in advance of your actual arrival, you may do so by paying the cost per month as though you were actually living in the room.

VSHA Rent Subsidies

For those who qualify, rent subsidies are available from Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) that take into consideration income and medical expenses. Qualifying applicants would pay not more than 30% of their adjusted income for rent. Rent allowances are reviewed and awarded on an annual basis by VSHA. VSHA awards subsidies for "rent" only and deducts expenses for food and other services.

Rate Schedule

Occupancy at Park House includes heat, electricity, parking, snow removal, 3 meals each day, and basic housekeeping. The typical total monthly charge for an individual resident occupying a single room is $1206.00 per month, $1181.00 per month for each of the two rooms which share a bathroom.  Other room configurations should be discussed with the Director.

Park House Occupancy Monthly Cost
Rent (private bath) $686
Rent (shared bath) $661
Meals/ housekeeping $480
Total Charges per Month $1141 - $1166


Optional Additional Expenses

Other Amenities
Monthly Cost
Cable TV $35
Refrigerator $5
Oxygen Concentrator $15.50

Laundry  machines are coin-operated.

Each room has a private telephone jack, with service to be arranged by the resident with the phone company.

There is a monthly cable charge of $35 that will be added into rent amount for those who choose to have cable tv in their room.

Medical care and personal expenses are the responsibility of each resident.