News and Events
Our Current Executive Committee: Evelyn Pruiksma, President; Madeline Benson, Vice President; Gretchen Perera, Treasurer; Diane Hanscom, Secretary; and Geraldine Twitchell, Member-at-Large. Other Trustees: Brenda Goupee, Edna Gunter, Joan Hubbard, Rose Juliano, Judy Manley, Carol Schwenk, and Diane Teetsel.
Saturday, May 24 from 9 to 1 we’ll be having a yard sale with an emphasis on spring planting. Some plants will be available. We accept donated items for this annual event. No clothing, mattresses, televisions or computer monitors, please! All proceeds benefit Park House!
Rochester Community Care Home, Inc., d.b.a. Park House will hold its annual meeting for the fiscal year 2013 on Wednesday, May 21, 2014. We will begin with a potluck supper at 5:30PM and hold our business meeting after the meal.