Yesterday in Brattleboro, Gov. Shumlin presented a $455,000 Vermont Community Development Program Grant to the Town of Rochester to subgrant to Rochester Community Care Home, Inc. to complete critical safety improvements, energy improvements, and modernization of the Park House, a community housing development for seniors! VCDP press release
The 17th Annual Golf Tournament and Dinner is scheduled for Friday, August 5, 2016. In order to make this event even more fabulous, we’re collecting feedback from past years. Please complete our survey at
A special thank you to the Special and Urgent Needs grant from the Vermont Community Foundation. Our roof truss is being repaired today!
The Annual Meeting of Rochester Community Care Home, Inc. (Park House) for the calendar year 2014 will be held Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at Park House. The event will begin with a pot luck supper at 5:30 with the business meeting to follow.